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Connect to a Central Sync Database

  1. Start up HerdMASTER, at the Login screen choose New Database.
  2. In the Setup Wizard screen, choose Saltbush Central System (HTTP) under the Connection Type drop down menu and then click Next.
  3. In the user name and password screen, fill in the URL of your database server, database and server names and your user name and password to access the server. Then click Next.
  4. Choose As New Database from the list then name your database. This name cannot contain any spaces or special characters and it must be unique to any database names you already have in the list. When you have created this database name click Next.
  5. After you have entered in the required information, click Finish. Your system will open a connection to the server and attempt to restore your information.
  6. Once the connection has been established, the option to log in to the server becomes available in the Login screen. Select the database, fill in the user name and password and click OK to access it.
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