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Export Society Registrations

Society Registration reports are designed to automatically send your new animal details directly to your society for registration.

Register your animals

  1. Open Reports > Society Reports > Registration.
  2. Select the Breeder identity to register animals from.
  3. Select the animals you wish to register and use the green right pointing arrow button to move them to the Selected Animals list.
  4. Select whether you want to include Next Mating Details using the checkbox and then hit finish to generate the report.
  5. The report will process and generate a summary of operation with any warnings or errors. From the report, you can see if you have any issues with your animal records that need to be fixed before you submit to your breed society.
  6. Once you close the summary window you will see the report behind it showing the animals that are being registered.
  7. At the bottom of this page there are three buttons that you can
    use to submit the registrations.
    • The Disk icon on the left is to save the registration information as a data file that you can manually send to your society.
    • The Letter icon in the middle is used to automatically open an E-Mail window in your mail program and it pre-fills the email address, subject and adds the registration as an attachment. This can be blocked by windows security settings.
    • The world icon is to E-Mail your society with the registrations from the HerdMASTER server rather than using your own email program. It allows you to enter your own email address as the sender and a message. This icon is used when for some reason the E-Mail button (letter icon) does not work.
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Export Society Registrations

Society Registration reports are designed to automatically send your new animal details directly to your society for registration.

Register your animals

  1. Open Reports > Society Reports > Registration.
  2. Select the Breeder identity to register animals from.
  3. Select the animals you wish to register and use the green right pointing arrow button to move them to the Selected Animals list.
  4. Select whether you want to include Next Mating Details using the checkbox and then hit finish to generate the report.
  5. The report will process and generate a summary of operation with any warnings or errors. From the report, you can see if you have any issues with your animal records that need to be fixed before you submit to your breed society.
  6. Once you close the summary window you will see the report behind it showing the animals that are being registered.
  7. At the bottom of this page there are three buttons that you can
    use to submit the registrations.
    • The Disk icon on the left is to save the registration information as a data file that you can manually send to your society.
    • The Letter icon in the middle is used to automatically open an E-Mail window in your mail program and it pre-fills the email address, subject and adds the registration as an attachment. This can be blocked by windows security settings.
    • The world icon is to E-Mail your society with the registrations from the HerdMASTER server rather than using your own email program. It allows you to enter your own email address as the sender and a message. This icon is used when for some reason the E-Mail button (letter icon) does not work.
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